MTLL Volunteer Requirements

1. Complete LL Application & Background Check (annual requirement).

To initiate the LL application and background check process, email your full first and last name to

Must be completed in the season's calendar year.

2. Register as a Volunteer on MTLL Website (annual requirement)

 Access Volunteer Registration here:

Click the "Volunteer" button and follow the prompts to complete the registration process.

3. Complete Mandatory Abuse Awareness Training (annual requirement).

**NEW FOR 2024**

  • USA Baseball Abuse Aware Training Course 
  • Register or Sign In 
  • Click “Education” >> “Courses” >> “Abuse Awareness for Adults” >> “Enroll” >> “Go to Course” and complete the training course.
  • You can access your “in progress” courses under “My Account” >> “Courses”
  • If you have taken the course previously, you can retake the course by going to "My Account" >> "Courses" >> "Retake Course"
  • Must be completed in the season's calendar year

4. Complete LIVE SCAN

**NEW FOR 2024**

Pursuant to Business & Professions Code § 18975 and Penal Code § 11105.3, the State of California requires all volunteers in youth athletic programs to submit to Live Scan fingerprinting and background check.

MTLL will host at least one pre-season Live Scan event.

To obtain Live Scan clearance outside of a hosted event, please contact

Got questions? LIVE SCAN FAQ

5. Complete Other Mandatory Safety Training Courses

    • Scroll to “Launch the Training” and select “For Coaches” and follow the prompts to complete the “HEADS UP Concussion Training.” 
    • Select your state and click “Order Course”; follow the prompts to create an account and to “purchase” the training (for $0, no payment information will be collected). 
    • Fill out the form at the bottom of the page with your information, select MISSION TRAILS LL as your associated league, and submit the form. You will receive an email with further instructions.

All Little League Volunteers in California are required to complete the following 3 training courses. They are relatively short, free, and only required to be done once in your lifetime as a Little League Volunteer. They can be accessed via the provided links. Once you have completed these training sessions, please submit copies of your completion certificates to

6. MANAGERS/COACHES ONLY: Attend District 33-Approved Coaching Fundamentals & Safety Clinics.

Each year, District 33 and its affiliated LLs host annual Coaching Fundamentals and Safety Clinics for all Managers and Rostered Assistant Coaches. These clinics take place before the start of the season. MTLL will share clinic information as it becomes available. For more information about District 33 Clinics, Attendance Requirements, and/or to check your attendance record click here.

Still not sure what you need to complete? MTLL Minimum Volunteer Requirements Quick Reference